Good non profit organizations to donate for kids?

M&V asked:

I am opening a online store, I would like to donate part of my profit to a (non profit organization) also want to add a link of this organization on my store, any ideas? Thanks.

Caffeinated Content


  1. NV says:

    Caffeinated Content

    I would think the boys and girls club is a good one. Or maybe big brothers/big sisters.

  2. jen.holden says:

    Create a video blog


  3. magan says:

    Create a video blog

    I sponsor children through Children International. They are a great not for profit.. They help so many needy kids living in poverty. My girls Ruffa and Michilea’s dad supports his family of 4 in the Philippines on $134 US dollars a month. I have sponsored 5 kids through Children International. They are great!