Non-Profit? asked:

Any suggestions to help raise money for a non-profit organization? We are trying to raise money to build a facility. For more info on the organization check out our website.


  1. misseson says:
  2. rjn529 says:

    Caffeinated Content

    There’s always the old standards of a bake sale, craft show, or walk (where walker get pledges from folks).

    Since this is posted in the dogs section, I assume you are a dog-related group (Sorry, could not get on the web site from my work computer – locked out).
    Therefore, you may want to have a “day with your dog”, and include a Canine Good Citizen Test, obstacle course, fun games for you and your dog, charge either an admission fee or a fee for each item the person/dog participates in. You could also get local talent for music, and perhaps a local group to put on obedience demos.

  3. bioluminate says:

    Create a video blog…instantly.

    Our 501c3 non-profit has an annual yard sale- ppl donate stuff and we sell it once a year– raised $800 this year.
    We also had a “bachelor auction” where ladies bid on a date with a bachelor for dinner. It also included a silent auction with bids on items donated from the community (theater tickets, gift baskets, gift cards…) We raised over $4000 with that one.
    Bake sales are also good, as are crafty items, homemade cat toys, pet carrier pads, home made dog buscuits.

    We also sell items we buy from
    magnets, stickers, wrist bands– they have other things–
    these are small “impulse buys” but the sales add up.

    We also try to participate in as many public outings (anywhere you can set up a table and sell stuff) as possible.

    You can also ask local businesses to have donation jars at their cash registers. Have someone come get the money on a regular basis.

    Good luck in all your fundraising efforts.

  4. Cheryl S says:

    Caffeinated Content

    A silent auction has always been a good money making event for the rescue that I belong to.

  5. D says:

    Create a video blog…instantly.

    You and all the other non-profits in the world. Well, that will be your lifelong struggle, won’t it? That’s the name of the game – funding.

    But don’t go on here and try to dun people for money!